Quick video, just milling a mounting bracket for the motor shaft. Rather than a grub screw, the d-shaft is sandwiched between two plates, and the whole thing screwed down to a 2x4 for testing. A cheap EST and PWM servo tester later, and the patcher is moving on it's own volition! The ESC is under-rated and insufficient. Spec'ed at only 14v (4s lipo) the motor is too slow. Overvolting to 20v speeds it up a bit closer to realistic RPM, but the ESC grows very hot. In reality the motor would prefer 30-48v, so I need to get a larger ESC for actual usage. The PWM generator is just a simple servo tester, and will eventually be embedded in a foot pedal. I think that'll do it for the Patcher project, thanks for following along! I'll post an update eventually when a nice base is constructed :)